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Peaceful and harmonious living is the desire of all life. During Indian national freedom movement for attaining political, economic , social and individual strength and hence peace and freedom Mahatma Gandhiji followed the Non violent policy and the path of ahimsa is proved to be only successful path for brining sustained peace in all aspects of life.

Following his footsteps, his methods, procedures as per todays situation is the best and intelligent way to achieve ahimsa in perfection. Hence a need for organization and movement to spread Mahatma Gandhijis principles is felt and GWF is formed. It shall serve to cultivate Ahimsa on earth and also a respect to the great soul and hence the name GWF rather than peace or ahimsa as its name.

Based on the guidance obtained from today's world activities and personal experiences, interlinked with Life and teachings of Mahatma Gandhiji, various other world events, history, other leaders , reformers life and teachings "Gandhi World Foundation" has envisaged the following glorious vision, mission and concepts of GWF

To develop a sustained, continuous order of human life on earth with complete understanding of non violence,
To cultivate ahimsa as a strong and permanent attribute of human character and
To establish Non violence a visible, feasible and practical procedure, method to be followed in every aspect and activities of human like individual goals, disciplines, family life, all types of occupations in private and government sectors, politics, government policies etc
To give life to the principles of Mahtma Gandhiji , values and concepts of life helping in attaining ahimsa in perfection and
To continuously refine its attributes like strength, understandability, feasibility, effectiveness, functionality, purity and sustainability beyond time.
People our end output: GWF has concern for every human on earth and GWF helps one to identify, build divine qualities persisting in every individual. People are wealth not Gold and silver shall be the main concern in every of GWF activity.
Knowledge ..The Light: Clear Understanding of Concepts of GWF is the light for achiever as it will serve as unifying and channelizing force for a individual within and in between people.
Implementation .. The Path to travel: Active Participation, Self Testing and Implementation in life activities will serve as road and help in understanding and making clear, comfortable, cheap, harmless and easy procedures of living
Purity … The Vehicle: Purity of concepts, integrity, dedication, self suffering and sacrifice will serve in sustaining the WILL of ahimsa based approach to life forever on earth.
By spreading awareness, about these concepts, voluntary transformation in men's mind and there by a transformation in his desires, attitudes and activities, shall be achieved.
The headings of the concepts of GWF which help in bringing harmony are
Helping others Life and creatures
Ethics based Social development
Life oriented Education and occupations
Environment , a element of human development
Vegetarianism {Non violent Diet}
Natural Living
All men are brothers , which has the following sub concepts
Un Touchability
Difference by Sex
Religious Difference
Rich & poor
Capital & Labour
Difference by education
Difference by Occupation
Difference by Habits
Difference by ability & Understanding
Difference by Age (elder / younger)
Progressing Humanity
Scientific Progress
Evolution of Life
Village life
Attributes of GWF
GWF is the real destination of all life, and role of GWF is to help build bridges between individuals and their ultimate destination.

Any activity with a clear goal shall flourish better than that without goal.
It is goal or vision which helps one to put effort in its direction and become responsible for achieving it under various adverse conditions.
Goal or Vision being accepted willingly, self sacrifice or self suffering overcomes all barriers in the path of pursuer. It is sacrifice which is the measure of Life or Value in work and hence real progress.

Hence GWF has given due importance for formulating the vision, missions, science and elements of mission, concepts so that every individual could easily identify a path for improvement and his destiny in the present scenario of his life from the moment he spends some time for knowing the concepts and activities of GWF.

GWF appeals to all volunteers, members and audience
To create awareness of the one or more GWF concepts of their own interest
To implement these concepts in reality in individual plane
To contribute to refine concepts where ever essential
To make it flourish all over earth in individual , social , political, and spiritual planes
GWF shall do intense activities for progressing humanity and improve confidence strength and satisfaction among peoples.

Love and non-violence are the two most important Gandhiyan principles in which I have absolute faith and deep sense of involvement. Only these two principles can remain as the right alternatives to all the evils the world is witnessing today and might witness in future too.

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