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  Gandhiji Temple
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  In India and abroad there were many memorials erected in the name of Gandhiji. But in Tamil Nadu, there is a temple for Gandhiji. It is Situated in Goundampalayam Village in Erode District.
  The foundation stone was laid for the temple in 1996. On 06.02.1997, Kumbabishegam was held. This temple was built at a total cost of Rs.10 lacs. It has two beedams (altars). One is for Gandhiji and other is for his wife Kasturba Gandhi. The temple is open daily and poojas are being held thrice a day, in the morning at 9am, 12 noon and 6pm in the evening. To conduct poojas, there is a priest, who does archanas by singing the songs on Gandhiji and Kasturba.
A big festival is celebrated here evey year on October 2nd. Theerthavari is being done on October 1 from the river 4 Km away. The devotees carry 10 pots of water for the abishegam of Gandhiji.
  On October 2nd between 6am to 8am, abishegam is done to the statues of Gandhiji and Kasturba. Women make Pongal in front of the statues. Subsequently oratory competitions about Gandhiji and sports competitions are being organized.
  An old man called Mr.Vaiyapuri was the person who was instrumental in erecting Gandhiji temple.
  Gandhiji Last Path
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  The Last Path : Photographs of the last path Mahatma travelled towards the prayer Ground at Birla House, New Delhi, India, on 30th January, 1948 minutes before he was assassinated.
  After Independence Gandhiji used to stay in Delhi at Birla House. Daily at 5.30 p.m. he used to leave his office and go for the evening Prayer on the prayer ground. On 30th January 1948, he left for his office at 5.30pm towards the prayer ground being his routine evening schedule. While he was on his way to the prayer ground he was assassinated. Here are some of the Photographs of Gandhiji in his Last Path in the Sequential order from his office to the Prayer Ground minutes before he was assassinated.
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