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  Founder Message
Love and non-violence are the two most important Gandhiyan principles in which I have absolute faith and deep sense of involvement. Only these two principles can remain as the right alternatives to all the evils the world is witnessing today and might witness in future too.

It can categorically be stated that, when these two principles become our way of life and translate into an art of living, all the sufferings and defilements that we witness in the world today will wean away leading the world to a balanced state.

Gandhiji, the Father of our Nation, proved that the entire world can be conquered with love. And so is he revered by all, till today, as the symbol of global peace. There is not even an iota of doubt that, by adopting the essence of love, truth, non-violence, equality and brotherhood which where his way of life, the world will become a paradise of peace.

Our civilization, culture and natural living which find appreciation world over, keep losing their values because of the influence of western culture. Gandhi World Foundation will act as an instrument for a great global transformation by achieving the purpose of its formation by identifying the elements, which Gandhiji, had he been alive now, would have tried to alter. Gandhi World Foundation will bring about this transformation by making suitable changes in these elements in conformity with the present global trend, but, at the same time, not compromising on Gandhiyan principles and incorporating simplicity and innovativeness in them.

Gandhi World Foundation seeks your kind support and valuable suggestions in this regard.
Yours Lovingly,
ML Rajesh
Founder, Gandhi World Foundation

Love and non-violence are the two most important Gandhiyan principles in which I have absolute faith and deep sense of involvement. Only these two principles can remain as the right alternatives to all the evils the world is witnessing today and might witness in future too.

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