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Mahatma's collections:  
Postal Stationery's
Special Covers & etc…
Telephone Card
Date of Birth Currencies
News Papers
Books & CD's
Videos & Voice
Short Stories
Paintings & Cartoons
Gandhiji Temple & Last Path
Museums & Ashrams
Little Known facts about Gandhiji
Last 24 Hours
Useful Links


The memorabilia (Postage, coins, currencies, tokens, photographs) in this portal are released by different countries to commemorate and to pay tribute to Gandhiji.
Using these memorabilia in this portal is not for any business or profit motive. It is an effort to pay tribute to our Gandhiji and for his path of non-violence. Although his fame is well spread in this entire universe, you can treat this as an additional effort from our side. We hope this site will be useful to students or to any persons who want to know Gandhiji in brief.
The teachings of Gandhiji namely love, non-violence, equality, truth and brotherhood should be followed by the younger generation and future generation as well. This Portal aims to highlight the teachings of Gandhiji.
As far as possible in this Portal, the information, memorabilia etc have been assembled together to benefit the users of the Portal. We strongly advocate that the teachings and messages of the Mahatma should be inculcated among the younger generation across the world.
We have ensured excellent Quality of Information in selecting details of Gandhiji Memorabilia. We also request the users of this Portal to share with us any other valuable Information or Memorabilia about Gandhiji so that the same can be used in this Portal.
In this present world scenario, Gandhiji is needed immensely. If the younger generation follows the ideals of Gandhiji, there will be peace in this entire world. We intend to display Gandhiji Memorabilia items to young children so as to let them know the rare honour bestowed upon the father of India by many nations across the world and simultaneously we intend to convey the good messages and teachings of the Mahatma to young children. This will pave the way for establishment of good society in the future.
  We convey our sincere thanks to friends and well wishers who have assisted our Founder Trustee, ML.Rajesh for the collection of various Gandhiji Memorabilia items displayed in this Portal.
I should say ‘thanks’ to my family, who are very helpful to me in all my steps and attempts in making the portal successful. In spite of hectic works in my office, the management allowed me to fulfill my dream project of bringing the portal. I should say thanks to my office people. And the good souls, friends, relatives, those who sold memorabilia, and who gave their collections to me. And more, I should say my humble thanks to the media people who made known my works to the world.
The items in the portal such as postage stamps, coins, currencies, tokens, photographs, old newspapers, telephone card, envelopes etc had been collected by our Founder Trustee, ML.Rajesh
In case of any mistakes in this Portal, please do not hesitate to convey the same to us and we will rectify it. We also request the users of this Portal to share your valuable feedback and we also request the users to frequently visit this site since the details are being updated frequently.
The Memorabilia items of Gandhiji displayed in this Portal is mainly to admire Gandhiji and follow his ideals and is not for any monetary benefits. We also intend to conduct exhibitions on Gandhiji Memorabilia items across many cities and towns all over the Country beginning from Tamil Nadu very shortly.
If you want to conduct exhibitions about Gandhiji in your locality or in your school, we will be very much obliged to come forward to conduct the exhibitions.

Love and non-violence are the two most important Gandhiyan principles in which I have absolute faith and deep sense of involvement. Only these two principles can remain as the right alternatives to all the evils the world is witnessing today and might witness in future too.

  Copyright @ 2012. Gandhi World Foundation. All Rights Reserved
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